I took this while I was in Arizona for Christmas. This cotton field is near my parents house. It was a beautiful morning.
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Sneaking in a non-photo post
This blog is about me taking pictures but what about someone taking pictures of me...can that count? I say yes. So I ran the Arizona P.F. Chang 1/2 marathon on January 16th. I loved it! It was my second half and I beat my other turtle time (2:26) .
So here are some pictures I borrowed from their site till mine I ordered arrive in the mail. :) Here is the link I borrowed these from. Arizona P.F. Chang Rock n Roll Marathon Results
First few miles I followed a guy in a blue hat and a nice lady. Thanks for pacing me. Norm and I had been seperated at the starting line due to him needing a pit stop.
At mile 10 he found me. This is me in full blown rabbit mode to get my time of
2:15 I was shooting for.
I did it! 2:15:45Sunday, January 23, 2011
Great View
Wouldn't it be nice if every evening you could stand in your drive way and see this....a wonderful sunset
Still working on my Arizona photos from December and January....I promise
2010 Flower Snaps
Last year I was lucky to have a roommate that received and purchased flowers. Each time we had fresh flowers in the house I gave them their own little photo shoot! Flower Snaps
Foggy Spider Webs
Woke up one morning in August 2010 and saw nothing but fog. Most people frown upon fog but I get real giddy especially when I don't have to go to work. So I grabbed my camera and went on a stroll for great foggy snaps....Foggy Morning Spider Webs
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Back from Arizona
Well I am back from Arizona and already frozen. On a good note I have tons of fun scenic pictures that I just uploaded to my computer. Plenty to share in the near future. Here is a hint.....I took this fancy steamboat ride around Canyon Lake near Apache Junction. To be continued.......
Monday, January 10, 2011
Christmas Cards
Some of the pictures that I took in 2010 ended up being Christmas cards for three different families. Thanks everyone for choosing my pictures to use as your Christmas cards.
This card was made using Shutterfly
These two cards were made using Minted
Sunday, January 9, 2011
October Snaps
Ok last post of the day, I promise, I have been on this computer for too many hours editing photos and posting on this site. This snaps session was back in October. It was a great day to take some snaps of two cute kids. G&G October 2010
Also want to share a link to a site that everyone should see. This guy does amazing work. Please check him out here: Aaron Yount
Skate Snaps
My brother is a huge skateboarder dude. He even had a mini sponsorship while living in California. My nephew looks up to him and is skating as well. Here are a few snaps of them. Skate Snaps
The Great Red Woods -June 2009
Another old post........
June 2009 went on a wonderful trip with my mom and brother to Northern California. One of the stops the mighty red woods. I decided to experiment and use the panoramic setting on my point and shoot to try and capture the massiveness of these trees. This one in particular has some history, it survived many deep floods and quite a few lightening strikes, which you can see has caused the top of this beauty's limps to look dry and leafless.
Magic Mushrooms
So back in June when you could run outside without freezing your tush off.....I came across some ginormous mushrooms. I admired them so much that I had to go back after I completed my run to snap those bad boys. Here are a few...........for more Magic Mushrooms
Birthday Weekend in SoCal
Some more old posts that I had on the old website.
Went to see my Mom and Dad (Norm) in Southern California for Memorial day weekend with my beau KDawg. It was wonderful! Took about 1000 pictures.
A brief view of two of the millions of snaps I took. The top is the famous tree from Oceanside. It is a Morton Bay Fig which has been in existence since 1932 (seriously - that is what the sign said). The second snap is the sunset in Oceanside. I love California. Attached is a link to my Flickr site with a few more images...not all though. So Cal Snaps
Company Magazine
So an older photo of mine was published on my company's online magazine in the 2nd quarter of 2010. It was taken with my point and shoot in 2007, prior to the Nikon. The caption reads "Janice, at Corporate, took this shot along a trail at Torrey Pines State Nature Reserve in Southern California."
Kodak Gallery
In the Spring of 2010 I submitted an image to Kodak for the Kodak Moment of the Month, category Sport (or was it action???). I submitted a picture of my brother skateboarding (jumping off a ledge over me and my camera). In April I received Kodak's monthly newsletter and there was my image and my name. I was a runner up for the best image. I was so excited.
Then a few weeks later they used it in another email newsletter as the banner. Score!!! Famous in a Small Town!
Recap 2009
I joined a photography club the summer of 2009. In the fall of 2009 I entered a contest to have an image displayed at a local bakery,Kelly's ( http://www.kellysbakeryandcafe.com/). The top 20 pictures would be displayed on the walls of the bakery for the month of October. I submitted two images and bam....one was chosen! Below is my geeky self under my shot. There is a glare but that's mine!
Here is another shot showing the image a little better (not me tho...eww)
The Transfer
So I decided to transfer my photography blog from http://janiceannsnaps.webs.com/ to this because I have read good things about this and this is free. Webs is nice but I ran out of space real quick. So moving on to a new place to post my photo journal of all my snaps. So to begin I will move all my snaps from webs to here. Enjoy!
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